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Our Features

Fees Management

Managing students admissions and tracking their payment dues was never this easy!!

Student Performance

Online access to attendance, performance and schedule from the comfort of their home.


Managing and maintaining lecture schedule is made easy with the help of smart scheduling system.

Insightful Reports

Classpro's real-time reports helps you make the decisions that will grow and improve your business.

Student/Parent Login

Online access to attendance, performance and schedule from the comfort of their home.

Access Anywhere, Anytime

Hosted on the web (cloud technology), you can access classpro anywhere, anytime.

Get in Touch

Contact Info

Alphonso Infotech
Behind Rathi office,
Near Ambamata Mandir,
Sukhsagarnagar, Pune-46.
Maharashtra (India).
M: +91 9049080011, 9503179646, (020)26960611